How do I connect to Telehealth with Terry Frye PT?
- sign the Telehealth informed consent located under the tab 'For Patients' on this home page in the Left hand corner.
- Take a picture of this form signed and text to me or email to me:
- text: 509-430-9669
- email:
- Click on this link:
- this is my personal room
- Download the app on your computer or smart phone
- set up your account with your password
- sign the Telehealth informed consent form located under the tab 'For Patients' and email to or fax: 509-461-8088
- send Terry Frye PT your email address so she can invite you to the 'meeting'
- Click on the link that you receive in your email.
Please be sure to have the informed consent complete before your sceduled appointment time.
Helpful hints for a successful video chat visit:
- Use Ipad or laptop with power cord connected
- have volume turned up
- have your exercise equipment and yoga mat ready and be a few feet from your computer.